
Play Video about A woman with shoulder-length hair sits in front of a bookshelf filled with various books. She is wearing a patterned jacket over a black top, perhaps drawing inspiration from Marianne Williamson's wisdom on New Beginnings.

Dear Delegates,

I know you have before you an extremely important decision to make for our party and our country.

It is in keeping with the democratic principles of the Democratic party that we allow the energy and excitement of real conversation to occur among us. I respectfully request that you consider taking a stand for an open convention.

We must think very deeply about what candidate will have the best chance of defeating Donald Trump, based not simply on the party’s money but on issues and values. Rubber stamping any one candidate will not serve the party’s ultimate goal of defeating Donald Trump.

While I assume there’s pressure on you to quickly make a decision, I respectfully request that you look at before doing so. My hope is that you will sign my petition for nomination, that I might be able to have a voice at the convention. I believe my platform is extremely important in order to reach independents and progressives in this election.

The only way we can save our democracy is if we ourselves are seen to embrace it.

Thank you so much for your consideration. Should you wish to put my name in nomination, the form for doing so is attached below.

All my best,

Marianne Signature

Questions about the form or process?

Please contact Christine at