Marianne Williamson Gathers New Hampshire Endorsements

March 13, 2023

Concord, NH — Presidential candidate Marianne Williamson is proud to announce critical endorsements from leading New Hampshire Democrats.

New Hampshire State Representative Maria Perez of Hillsborough District 43 is a staunch fighter for the rights of New Hampshire working families, including healthcare and paying a living wage.

A trailblazer in New Hampshire state politics, State Representative Perez is one of three Latino representatives serving in the New Hampshire legislature. Born in El Salvador, Representative Perez fled war and domestic violence as a teen, emigrating to New Hampshire for a better future. Representative Perez now serves as the vice chair of the National Human Rights Committee and is a prominent voice for issues facing rural communities.

She made her endorsement official on Monday, March 13th in Milford, NH at the Hampshire Dome at 12:00pm ET.

Representative Perez joins Carlos Cardona, newly elected to the New Hampshire Democratic Party Rules Committee, in officially endorsing Marianne Williamson for president.

Cardona serves on the New Hampshire Commission on Native American Affairs, is the former chairman of the Laconia Democrats, former president of the New Hampshire Progressive Coalition and is an outspoken advocate of LGBTQIA+ rights, universal healthcare, and ending corruption in government.

Cardona’s story is also remarkable — growing up on a farm in Puerto Rico, settling in New Hampshire, from being homeless after he revealed his sexuality to his family, to becoming an elected official. Just 33 years old, Carlos is sometimes referred to as “the most energetic political mover in New Hampshire,” and he remains committed to advocating for the Granite State and for national policies relating to Puerto Rico.

Of the two endorsements, Marianne Williamson said: “I am pleased our campaign is gathering endorsements so early in the 2024 primary. Bold and courageous leaders understand that America needs to disrupt the status quo that keeps our people without quality healthcare and with stagnant wages.”

Presidential candidate Marianne Williamson is concluding a week-long campaign trip of the Granite State, speaking to hundreds of New Hampshire voters at numerous public events around the state.

Said Marianne Williamson, “New Hampshire declared its Independence first, took the first action against the British at Fort William and Mary, had a Constitution and state Congress before the Declaration of Independence. So, New Hampshire has great pride in being first.

“New Hampshire can be first again — to end an aberrational chapter of American history, where wealth and opportunity has been siphoned off to a few at the expense of the many.”

Read more about Marianne’s policy stances here.

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