Today, we’re issuing a statement in response to the on-going news cycle related to false claims about the Marianne Williamson campaign culture.
“In response to recent stories citing unknown sources and false statements related to the Marianne Williamson presidential campaign culture, what is most evident is the effort by those protecting a corporate status quo, to smear Ms. Williamson’s character and to diminish the significance of her campaign. As the only presidential candidate advocating for Medicare For All, tuition free college and tech school, guaranteed sick pay and a living wage, the threat Williamson poses to a corporate elite is obvious. Efforts to mischaracterize common campaign occurrences as dramas unworthy of a run for the highest office in the land, are ludicrous. Neither Williamson nor her campaign have anything to apologize for, and despite the attacks against her, false claims and media blackouts, her popularity is growing and she will continue to persevere.”