
Whole Student Plan

for Public Education (Pre-K-12)

Every public school in America should be a palace of learning, culture and the arts. That will be a primary goal of the Williamson administration. Education is a central tenet of our inalienable right to the “pursuit of happiness,” as it immeasurably expands one’s ability to actualize our God-given talents. All students deserve a world class public school education.

The way to take care of America’s economy ten years from now is to take better care of our children today. A massive transfer of resources to support the lives of children will be a core principle of the Williamson administration.

Elements of this will include:
  • Bias free schools that welcome all students regardless of background
  • Community based schools that support the specific and diverse needs of students in each community
  • Collaborative practices that support students, parents, and teachers in and out of the classroom
  • Strong unions and fair pay for teachers
  • Full funding for modern facilities and educational equipment, and updated textbooks, in all schools regardless of zip code
Immediate Actions as President:

President Williamson will instruct her Department of Education (DOE) and Department of Childhood and Youth (DOCY) to conduct a comprehensive study of America’s public schools with the goal of identifying direct ways the federal government can assist districts in…

  • Raising student performance and achievement
  • Supporting a curriculum and programs based on meaningful life skills
  • Improving public school facilities

Policy Plan Mission

Marianne believes the U.S. must implement a “Whole Student Educational System” focused not only on a student’s intellectual performance and growth but also on developing a student’s cultural, emotional, and psychological well-being. She believes this is necessary to develop a complete student and one that is truly prepared to become a productive member of our society. In a time of rampant bullying and school violence, including the horrors of school shootings, we need to directly meet the needs of this moment and far more fundamental ways.

There are millions of American children who live with chronic emotional trauma and even PTSD from their homes, communities, and public school settings. This reality leaves far too many students unable to perform and achieve academic success. A wrap-around approach is necessary to develop a whole, well-rounded, and thriving student, which ultimately leads to a positive and productive adult in our society.

Policy Keys

  • Guarantee every public school has a well-trained and adequate number of trained Counselors.
  • Implement holistic programs and support services focused on:
    • Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
    • Communication Skills
    • Restorative Circles and Dialogue Programs
    • Restorative Justice Programs and Initiatives
    • Nutrition
  • Ensure health and wellness experts in every public school district.
  • Urge Congress to re-introduce the Free-Lunch-for-All Program, to ensure that every child has access to food, and the cancellation of lunch debt.
  • Guarantee Pre-school Support Programs and Initiatives focused on providing every kid 0-4 in America with quality and affordable educational options. Note: a specific focus will be placed on economically challenged and rural communities.
  • Challenge our High-performing and Gifted Students by offering them opportunities to coach, tutor, and mentor younger students.
  • Provide increased financial support for economically and geographically challenged districts to recruit and retain quality teachers.
  • Support alternative paths to becoming teachers – working with Education and Teacher groups to achieve this.
  • Provide federal assistance to improve facilities and the learning environment for all public schools in the U.S.
  • Providing Meaningful Life-skills Programs and Initiatives which focus on essential life skills which include but are not limited to how to create and maintain a budget, understanding personal credit ratings, and choosing a career path which aligns with personal talents, skills, and passions.
  • Support Career and Technical Education programs so students can receive career skills and job preparedness as part of the high school curriculum.
  • Restoring the teaching of American History and Civics in order to teach American values and our democratic system of government.
  • Ensure all districts have adequate funding and available transportation for athletics and interest clubs through a grant process
  • Fully fund the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Few pieces of federal legislation have had as dramatically positive an impact as IDEA. Society now has the ability to take better care of people with disabilities than ever before, and our sensitivity to their needs, as well as our response to the challenges that they face, should reflect the full force of our capacity to help. We are capable of helping people with disabilities better than ever before in our history. (See Disability Rights platform).