Play Video about A woman with long brown hair is smiling and talking to an elderly man and woman in a cozy home. The elderly woman holds a white item in her hand.

Dear Friends,

It will take me a long time to integrate the experience of the last year and half of my life.

I ran for president to serve the cause of a healed and restored America. I undertook the task because I felt I had the professional skills and life experience to help inspire a new beginning for this country. Establishment politics doesn’t speak to the deeper yearning of the average American, and we must if we’re to rebuild this country. Having seen too much unnecessary hardship – particularly economic hardship – I know we need fundamental change. And along with a wonderful team of advisors, I articulated a platform for how to achieve it.

The presidential campaign trail is a journey like no other.

First and foremost I saw the profound decency and good will of the American people. Those qualities, if harnessed for political purposes, contain the power to guide us through our challenges and deliver us to a new and better chapter in our history. It was an exhilarating experience and the greatest honor of my life to see those qualities on full display, on the faces of people and in kindnesses shown to me all around the country. 

Yet I also saw how our system operates. I saw a political and media establishment with seemingly no recognition of its sacred responsibility to facilitate the will of the people. The goal of that system is not democracy, but power; its operatives seek to damage the candidacy of anyone not a part of their club. 

I persevered because I felt it was important. And with the incredible support of donors, volunteers and staff, by the final week of the primary campaign season we’ve received half a million votes.

The people who voted for me agree that humanitarian, not economic principles should order our society… 

That democracy demands economic as well as social justice…

That learning to wage peace is as important as knowing how to wage war…

And the will of the people should not be drowned out by the will of an elite and powerful few.

I cannot adequately thank those who supported my campaign. I know in my heart we’re a wave in an ocean of decency in this country – a massive sea of untapped goodness that will yet rise up and reach the shores of electoral power. I’ll continue to strive to serve that vision: the emergence of a coalition of decency that will overwhelm the indecencies of our degraded times and return us to our better selves.

May all the blessings I received on this campaign be returned to those who gave them to me, a thousand and a thousand times over. I will never forget the gift that you gave me. Together we planted seeds.

With love and gratitude,

Marianne Signature

Dear Friends,

In 2016, there were two candidates telling people their pain was legitimate and their rage was valid – that the system indeed had been rigged against them. They were Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump.

Only one of them, however, wanted to do something about it. The other mainly sought to harness all that anger for his own political purposes.

And here we are.

The rage that people were feeling then is still felt today. Has the system improved economically in the last two years? In some ways, yes. But in fundamental ways, no. It’s now baked into the cake that our corrupted political system is at the service of the few at the expense of the many. And it will not disrupt itself.

One in four Americans still live with medical debt. A third of America’s workforce work for less than $15 an hour; half can’t afford a one bedroom apartment. Half our seniors live on less than $25,000 a year. The United States has the highest poverty rate of any advanced democracy.

If you’re in the top 20 per cent of American earners, the economy works well. And for that we can be grateful. But that 20 per cent live on an island that is surrounded by a sea of economic despair. Within that sea, a myriad of personal and societal dysfunctions breed easily – from chronic anxiety and addiction to ideological capture by genuinely psychotic, even fascist elements of our society.

We must respond to this situation, for it represents an unsustainable disquiet.

Franklin Roosevelt said we wouldn’t have to worry about a fascist takeover in America so long as democracy delivered on its promises. Yes, there is a genuine fascist threat in America today. But we can’t just fight the disease; we must build up our societal immune system, as well. That means we must build up our people.

We must provide a massive infusion of economic hope and opportunity to the over 70 per cent of Americans who say they feel no economic hope, who simply do what they can to survive what they know is an inherently unjust economic system. Their dreams, and the dreams of their children, are limited. They are depressed and angry about it, and if those feelings are not assuaged – if their needs are not met – then America will be in even bigger trouble than we are now.

That is why I am running for President. I have had a forty year career working up close and personal with people whose lives are in trouble, and too many are in trouble now.

Our government “of the people, by the people, and for the people” has become a government “of the corporations, by the corporations, and for the corporations.” Our public policies regularly do more to serve the goal of short-term profit maximization for corporate and billionaire donors, than to serve the goal of safety, health and well-being of the American people.

The humanitarian values at the core of our Declaration of Independence have been replaced by a soulless economics as the governing principle of our civilization.  The tentacles of hyper-capitalism, devoid of any ethical or moral consideration, now reach greedily into every corner of our society. A Second Gilded Age is upon us, income disparity as great as at any time in our history, and everything from climate catastrophe to AI catastrophe to nuclear catastrophe now loom as genuine threats to our civilization.

It is time to turn around.

In the words of President John F. Kennedy, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.” In the years ahead of us, America is going to change. It is up to us to make the change a conscious, wise and responsible one.  As President, I will make sure we do.

A corporate aristocracy – from insurance and pharmaceutical companies to Big Ag to Big Food to chemical companies to gun manufacturers to Big Oil to Big Tech to defense contractors – now tyrannize this country, and the days of their overreach and entitlement must end. No one thing is going to make that happen, but a president who is willing to use the power of the executive branch to stand up to what Roosevelt called the “economic royalists” is a good solid beginning. And I will be that.

As Americans, we need a season of repair, a new beginning, a renewed faith in what’s possible. Our political imaginations can flourish once more, if we allow the better angels of our nature to emerge among us. I dedicate this campaign to the people, to the spirit in our hearts, and to the possibility of fundamental change.

With your help, we can spread this message far and wide and set America on the path of a new beginning.

Marianne Signature

Videos on Issues


Why is Marianne Williamson un-suspending her Presidential Campaign?

Marianne Williamson explains why she unsuspended presidential campaign | Morning in America

Dare to Dream with Marianne Williamson (2024 US Presidential candidate): Ep 170 | Win the Day

In the News

The Guardian Logo
February 28, 2024 | Martin Pengelly

The self-help author Marianne Williamson “un-suspended” her quixotic, all-but-certainly doomed campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, saying she did so because Joe Biden could not defeat Donald Trump, who she called a “fascist” and a “juggernaut of dark, dark vision”.

February 28, 2024 | Lauren Irwin 

Author Marianne Williamson announced Wednesday that she is “unsuspending” her presidential campaign, claiming American voters are “watching a car crash in slow motion” with the current candidates.

“Hey, I have an important announcement to make. As of today, I am unsuspending my campaign for the presidency of the United States,” Williamson said in a video posted to X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

February 28, 2024 | By Kyler Alvord and Brendan Le

The progressive self-help author, who dropped out of the race three weeks ago, said on Wednesday that she will “arouse in Americans the angels of our better nature” as she looks to keep Trump out of power

The Guardian Logo
February 28, 2024 | Martin Pengelly

The self-help author Marianne Williamson “un-suspended” her quixotic, all-but-certainly doomed campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, saying she did so because Joe Biden could not defeat Donald Trump, who she called a “fascist” and a “juggernaut of dark, dark vision”.

February 28, 2024 | By Kyler Alvord and Brendan Le

The progressive self-help author, who dropped out of the race three weeks ago, said on Wednesday that she will “arouse in Americans the angels of our better nature” as she looks to keep Trump out of power

Democrat Marianne Williamson 'Unsuspends' 2024 Presidential Campaign in Surprise Announcement

February 28, 2024 | By Kyler Alvord and Brendan Le
Marianne Williamson says she’s “unsuspending” her presidential campaign just three weeks after dropping out. The progressive self-help author, 71, argued on Wednesday that President Joe Biden is a weak candidate for the general election, writing in a letter to voters, “My ability to arouse in Americans the angels of our better nature is the most powerful antidote to Trump’s dark and authoritarian vision.”
February 28, 2024 | Lauren Irwin 

Author Marianne Williamson announced Wednesday that she is “unsuspending” her presidential campaign, claiming American voters are “watching a car crash in slow motion” with the current candidates.

“Hey, I have an important announcement to make. As of today, I am unsuspending my campaign for the presidency of the United States,” Williamson said in a video posted to X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

The Guardian Logo

Marianne Williamson ‘un-suspends’ campaign after Michigan primary

February 28, 2024 | Martin Pengelly
The self-help author Marianne Williamson “un-suspended” her quixotic, all-but-certainly doomed campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, saying she did so because Joe Biden could not defeat Donald Trump, who she called a “fascist” and a “juggernaut of dark, dark vision”.

For Marianne Williamson,
the Bernie Sanders Lane Looks Wide Open

May 25, 2023 | Mini Racker

Four years ago, before Gabriela Orozco was old enough to vote, she knew Bernie Sanders was her candidate to take on Donald Trump. She liked how the Vermont Senator wanted to remake the federal government to help those most in need.

A New Day for America

A new kind of American—a new kind of thinker and a new kind of citizen—needs to arise now. And quickly. We the Problem, We the Promise, We the People.

Marianne Williamson Live in Los Angeles

Play Video about Margaret Williamson for president, a leader committed to building a better home for all.
Play Video about A woman taking a selfie.

Dear Friends,

As of today, I am unsuspending my Presidential campaign.

All of us have noticed America’s political dynamics are moving in a disturbing direction. Donald Trump’s power is on the incline, and President Biden’s is on the decline. More and more people are saying the quiet part out loud: that despite the fact that the President deserves credit for many of his accomplishments, he is clearly a weak candidate to defeat Donald Trump in 2024.

I, however, am not. My ability to arouse in Americans the angels of our better nature is the most powerful antidote to Trump’s dark and authoritarian vision.

I suspended my campaign because we were losing the horse race. But there is something much bigger than the horse race that’s at stake here. In the words of Mohammed Ali, ‘When the mission is right, the odds don’t matter.”

We cannot sit idly by while the  D.C. political class sleepwalks this country into disaster. Too many have followed the directives of the status quo for too long, but we are awakening now. We are ready to act, to take the wheel of history into our hands and turn it in another direction.

We need a President who stands for a new beginning in America, and whether I can help do that as President or in some other way, unsuspending the campaign is a necessary next step.

We will win on the promise of restoring America’s middle class and waging peace both domestically and internationally. From #MedicareForAll to #CeasefireNow in exchange for the hostages, from tuition free college and tech school to a guaranteed living wage, from waging peace to repudiating America’s forever war machine, from subsidized child care to ending America’s War on Drugs, our platform is the winning one.

I will respond to the cult-like personality of Donald Trump with a light-filled vision of hope and possibility. We will become once again a “government of the people, by the people, and for the people” at a time when corporate interests have taken Washington hostage.

I hope you are as moved by this vision as I am. You have supported the campaign before, and I hope you feel moved to support it again.

We must rise to the occasion like never before; so much is riding on what we do now. Even if the most I can do is influence the President, that in itself is a goal worth striving for.  For those of us who are deeply committed to Trump not returning to the White House, it’s imperative that we do everything possible to help mount a winning campaign in 2024.

I hope you will help me do this. There is no time to waste. Please give generously so we can restart the engines and race to the top.

With gratitude and conviction, 

Marianne Signature
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Dear Friends,

In 2016, there were two candidates telling people their pain was legitimate and their rage was valid – that the system indeed had been rigged against them. They were Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump.

Only one of them, however, wanted to do something about it. The other mainly sought to harness all that anger for his own political purposes.

And here we are.

The rage that people were feeling then is still felt today. Has the system improved economically in the last two years? In some ways, yes. But in fundamental ways, no. It’s now baked into the cake that our corrupted political system is at the service of the few at the expense of the many. And it will not disrupt itself.

One in four Americans still live with medical debt. A third of America’s workforce work for less than $15 an hour; half can’t afford a one bedroom apartment. Half our seniors live on less than $25,000 a year. The United States has the highest poverty rate of any advanced democracy.

If you’re in the top 20 per cent of American earners, the economy works well. And for that we can be grateful. But that 20 per cent live on an island that is surrounded by a sea of economic despair. Within that sea, a myriad of personal and societal dysfunctions breed easily – from chronic anxiety and addiction to ideological capture by genuinely psychotic, even fascist elements of our society.

We must respond to this situation, for it represents an unsustainable disquiet.

Franklin Roosevelt said we wouldn’t have to worry about a fascist takeover in America so long as democracy delivered on its promises. Yes, there is a genuine fascist threat in America today. But we can’t just fight the disease; we must build up our societal immune system, as well. That means we must build up our people.

We must provide a massive infusion of economic hope and opportunity to the over 70 per cent of Americans who say they feel no economic hope, who simply do what they can to survive what they know is an inherently unjust economic system. Their dreams, and the dreams of their children, are limited. They are depressed and angry about it, and if those feelings are not assuaged – if their needs are not met – then America will be in even bigger trouble than we are now.

That is why I am running for President. I have had a forty year career working up close and personal with people whose lives are in trouble, and too many are in trouble now.

Our government “of the people, by the people, and for the people” has become a government “of the corporations, by the corporations, and for the corporations.” Our public policies regularly do more to serve the goal of short-term profit maximization for corporate and billionaire donors, than to serve the goal of safety, health and well-being of the American people.

The humanitarian values at the core of our Declaration of Independence have been replaced by a soulless economics as the governing principle of our civilization.  The tentacles of hyper-capitalism, devoid of any ethical or moral consideration, now reach greedily into every corner of our society. A Second Gilded Age is upon us, income disparity as great as at any time in our history, and everything from climate catastrophe to AI catastrophe to nuclear catastrophe now loom as genuine threats to our civilization.

It is time to turn around.

In the words of President John F. Kennedy, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.” In the years ahead of us, America is going to change. It is up to us to make the change a conscious, wise and responsible one.  As President, I will make sure we do.

A corporate aristocracy – from insurance and pharmaceutical companies to Big Ag to Big Food to chemical companies to gun manufacturers to Big Oil to Big Tech to defense contractors – now tyrannize this country, and the days of their overreach and entitlement must end. No one thing is going to make that happen, but a president who is willing to use the power of the executive branch to stand up to what Roosevelt called the “economic royalists” is a good solid beginning. And I will be that.

As Americans, we need a season of repair, a new beginning, a renewed faith in what’s possible. Our political imaginations can flourish once more, if we allow the better angels of our nature to emerge among us. I dedicate this campaign to the people, to the spirit in our hearts, and to the possibility of fundamental change.

With your help, we can spread this message far and wide and set America on the path of a new beginning.

Marianne Signature